Thursday, March 20, 2008

Pranking Paralytics: Resources

Is it possible to be a good pranker and a thrifty one? I think our US consumerist mindset has corroded that great frugal value of “resourcefulness” into “able to buy resources.” I for example, in my quest to wreck Tyler Jimmy’s room, got all the way to the shipping supply aisle of a local office goods store. I was sorely tempted to buy the 24-dollar bag of Styrofoam packing peanuts (“biodegradable!”) because the are clingy and annoying, and even better, they are known for being clingy and annoying!

If that instance had been the first time I’d dealt with such trials, I may have caved. And in fact, I have on several occasions in the past. For example I bought duck tape and a tablecloth, with grand schemes in mind… and I still haven’t used them! Though on the other hand, I did buy the trash bags used in the “Bags and Pipes” prank. However, the best part of that prank was free (using Tyler Jimmy’s own stereo and a borrowed CD against him…. For several hours…. At full volume.)

So then, here are a few things to keep in mind when gathering your prank materials:
  • Be resourceful: Use what you already have. Especially because there is a special kind of humor in a prank made from things everyone has. Like left-over holiday candy.
  • Borrow: people want to be involved in pranking, even if they don’t prank themselves.
  • Do site-based pranks: like removing things from the room, or bringing things from outside in.
  • Reuse garbage: For example, during my internship I filled my supervisor’s desk drawers with paper scraps from recycling: Sustainable Pranking!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Pranking Paralytics: Morality

I like to blame “the man” for a lot of things. For example, I blame the paternalistic socialization I underwent as a child (where good girls don’t do gross, annoying, or overly rambunctious things) for my heightened sense of pranker’s guilt. Once I dumped a bag of Chex Mix in Tyler Jimmy’s bed (or under the carpet, can’t remember which – this was during the early days of the War!) and remember thinking about the bugs. Oh, the bugs were going to infest his room, and bother his poor roommate who had nothing to do with the pranking, and then these bugs would eat through his furniture and eventually bring the ceiling down because they’d turned their voracious appetite towards the Sondheim House infrastructure.

It didn’t really get that far. But you may have experienced similar, less paranoid feelings when pranking. In fact, such sentiments may have prevented you from pulling off a couple-o-good-ones. That’s why I call Morality a pranking paralytic.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for values and have a great many of them myself. But I believe that the world of pranking, like the worlds of fiction writing, professional wrestling and university, is a world where you must suspend your normal judgments in exchange for a new subjective set.

I encourage you to communicate with your pranking partner: What don’t you like? What makes you uncomfortable? What is too far? (This analogy has gone too far!) Set up boundaries. For example, off limit zones are: hair, underwear, musical instruments, electronics. And if it’s not off limits, go there! Screw it, I say -- you’re already pranking. And pranking is not nice!

Pranking Paralytics: Time Constraints

I have always been anxious about time: getting there on time, having enough time, not wasting time. Case in point: I loved Zelda as a child. But when they came out with the Mask of Majora, I flipping peed my pants. It’s completely time-based! It is possible to run out of it – waste it – not have enough of it (of course you won’t know until you’re twenty pages into a cheat book that you had to buy because you can’t the handle the pressure! And you’re not even in high school yet!)

Enough of that.

Yes – I do feel the pressure to do quick pranks because I’m worried Tyler Jimmy is going to walk in on them (which I did to him anyways, so half the pressure is gone.) But! If you’re like me, here’re a few things you can do.
  • One is to communicate your schedules (“I will be out of the room every Tuesday from 10:30am to 4:15pm.”) It’s gross, and can lead to pranking that is so overly scheduled it kills the spontaneity. Ten cuidado, prankitantes.
  • Secondly, use helpers. I remember a prank where I was especially worried about time. I wanted to put fliers under all of Tyler Jimmy’s floormates’ doors asking them to help him move his stuff out in exchange for pizza. If I got caught, clearly, the ruse would be up! So I got some underclassmen to help me out. And it was great bonding!
  • Third, ignore your overly conditioned sense of urgency!! You are not going to miss the school bus! Class will not begin without you! Do the prank – and if they show up while you’re working, you’ll have had more finished than if you cut out before really developing the piece!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Bed Time - Egg Time!

Here’s a prank that did not go over as well as I had hoped. You could say that Tyler Jimmy got lucky, but I think there was an error in execution on my part. The idea was this: set raw eggs (ever so gently) under the covers on the bed and in the pillow -- making bed time, egg time! He can tell you more about how he caught on to the eggs, but suffice it to say only one was broken, and I believe he found this one … and crushed it out of principle.

One lesson learned: Tell your victim you have pranked them! You can make them do all kinds of screwy things when they’re paranoid (like clean their room.)

Supplies: Raw eggs, rotten is better! Remember that a bad egg sinks in water.

Execution: Access bed, insert eggs.

Difficulty: Not very hard if you have eggs handy (mine were contributed by some prank-patrons down the hall.) I suppose the difficult part is placing these strategically where they will be crushed but not noticed first. Let me know if you use this prank successfully.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

The Foil Prank

Like many of our favorites, the foil prank is beautiful in its simplicity. Ideally, you'll be pranking a materialist, with lots of items of varying size and shape. [Double-C qualified.]

Supplies: On-sale foil, flat surfaces (hard to come by, I know), the occasional piece of tape.

Execution: Go to town. Five dollars netted me 120 square feet of foil. In a half hour, you can plaster a room like seen above. Don't sweat the technique - it's not wrapping presents. And remember to cover some hidden in-drawer type stuff so's your victim can keep discovering their unwanted magpie bait for weeks to come.

Difficulty: Foil is very agreeable and can coat lamps, chairs, and baubles easily. It's almost designed for pranking. If you had the means and motivation to get foil in bulk, covering a dorm room completely - sans walls - would probably be a two-to-three hour one person job. [This doesn't take into account that, like me, you might want to cover every book on your victim's shelf.]

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Camping Pranks

  • Make scary noises in the middle of the night (think of bears, bats.) Also, inappropriate sounds…
  • Put clothes hangers under sheets (very painful)
  • Jam yogurt-covered raisins in toothpaste (blocking the flow of paste – very confusing.)
  • Put Jolly Ranchers in the showerhead (very sticky)
  • Hiding things in sleeping bags: s’more skewers, raisins, fried eggs, banana peels, lawn equipment

Office Pranks

  • Fill desk drawers with paper scraps, tin cans, etc.
  • Rearrange personal belongings, adding mustaches to portraits and so on.
  • Remove monitor (do leave the computer running, you don't want to compromise their work.)
  • Remove phone from desk (not good if you are pranking a parent, or anyone responsible for the safety of another!!)
  • Gift wrap their desk.
  • Anything involving sticker stock and embarassing knick-names is good!

Monday, March 3, 2008

Sentimental Value

Supplies: Something important. Jello and Tupperware.

Execution: Again, it’s up to chance whether or not you can get something of particular value to the victim, but once you get it, be sure to wrap it in plastic and suspend it in set Jello.

Difficulty: Needs four hours to set….

Found Objects

Supplies: The surrealist school of art revels in the unpredictable, organic, spontaneous nature of found objects. I’ve always liked surrealists.

Execution: If you are pranking someone who is a “P” on the Myers-Briggs personality typing test -- such as Tyler Jimmy -- you’ll have plenty of chances to grab their stuff when they leave it in your room, or when their door is open. Pilfer and prank, friends!

Difficulty: Let the pranking come to you.


Supplies: Peeps.

Execution: Peeps, when you separate them from each other have a sticky side where their marshmallow-fluff-interiors are exposed. These are great for slapping peeps to doors, furniture, forearms. Try microwaving them. (That’s a classic.)

Difficulty: Easy.

Romance Novels

Supplies: Cheap romance novels (check your local independently-operated, not-for-profit book warehouses, and library sales racks.) Tape, time.

Execution: Find the smutty parts of the novel and remove, also the covers. Cover doors and public spaces in these choice little morsels.

Difficulty: So easy (once you get the books.)

Dead Animals

Supplies: Found, dead animals. (Please, don’t kill for pranks – it’s not sustainable.) Box and newspapers. Mouse traps.

Execution: When you find the animal, you can package and mail it, hide it in your victim’s shoe (cough, cough – real nice excuse not to work out that day,) or … make it into a sandwich?

Difficulty: If you’re lucky enough to get the animal, it’s only a matter of containing yourself long enough to set up a good prank.

Post Embarrassing Photos

Supplies: Observant Eyes, a steady hand and ready camera.

Execution: Point, shoot, (watermark,) post.

Difficulty: Pretty easy. I just did it.

Subtract Furniture

Supplies: Screwdriver, strong arms, a place to stash the cache.

Execution: When your victim, or roommate, is gone, disassemble and remove their furniture. Here, we took Brittany’s desk and everything on/in it and put them under Tyler Jimmy’s bed.

Difficulty: Not hard once all the planets have aligned themselves. Finding the perfect combination of a trusting and absent roommate and time to steal their things, is likely to be your one hang up.

Bucket of Nast

Supplies: Bucket, water, yogurt, oil – really any liquid. Bonus material: garbage, feminine hygiene products, food particles. Remember that anything is nastier when wet.

Execution: Fill bucket with nast, then lean against a door so that it falls into the room when opened.

Difficulty Level: Disproportionately low given its potency. Getting your hands on a bucket will be the most difficult part.